Wednesday, January 3, 2018

How to get free traffic to your blog Part 6

How to get free traffic to your blog Part 6

How to get free traffic to your blog Part 6

24. Publish articles on your site and invite other sites to publish them on their sites, with a link to you. 

Some websites make it very easy for other sites to reprint their articles. At the end of each article on their site, they publish a note giving people permission to reprint the article providing the resource box which contains information about the real author and blog is published at the end, too. (Caution: Although this technique apparently works well for those who do it, I dont use this technique. My goal is to have almost all unique content on my sites. I wonder if the technique may not work quite so well sometime in the future. I could be wrong, but I think that as search engines become more and more clogged with junk sites, search engines will get much tougher on duplicate content. Sites which dont publish duplicate content will benefit, I believe.) 

22. Submit your newsletter to newsletter directories. 

Search in Google for... 

ezine directories, ezine directory, newsletter directories submit your newsletter to newsletter directories. Its time-consuming and you probably wont get a lot of traffic from this technique. If you have more money than time, outsource this task. You could hire a student to do it. 

25. Publish a mini-course on your blog 

This technique encourages visitors to keep coming back to your site. Publish a short (or long) informational email mini-course. Provide genuinely useful content. Starting gradually, after youve won the trust of your readers, insert relevant affiliate links into the messages. Also, give your readers reasons to visit your site, giving them links to related articles on your site. These pages can contain both affiliate links and Adsense ads. To retain your readers interest, at the end of each message, give them a little teaser telling them what theyll get in the next message in the series. Some smart marketers using this technique dont send the mini-course via email. They just send out a memo announcing when each new part is online. Doing this helps you evade spam filters - the shorter the message, the more likely it is to get through. Also, it gives you an opportunity to get eyeballs in front of the affiliate links or AdSense ads on your site. 

26. Write testimonials that are worth using. 

When you read an ebook or newsletter or some product which you find useful, write a quick note to the author. Sometimes, your quick note will be published as a testimonial, with a link back to your site. Joe Vitale has taken this tactic to extraordinary lengths. For examples, trying doing a search in Google for 

"joe vitale" +testimonial 

Dont go crazy over this technique. Remember that every single thing you write online builds - or damages - your reputation. 

27. Post free ads on forums which allow it. 

I doubt if posting free ads will produce much benefit, but if you have lots of time you could try it.

28. Build your reputation by Making helpful posts in forums.

Join forums in your niche and promote your site in your signature. Be careful. Read the forum instructions first or youre likely to annoy forum moderators and forum members who have been there for years. Lurk and learn. Some forums allow signatures. Some dont. Some wont allow words like "See the link in my signature". Tread carefully. You also need to remember that many affiliate agreements specifically say that posting an affiliate link on a forum is regarded as spamming. Ignoring this rule can get you dumped from an affiliate program. You could lose any commissions youve earned. Build your reputation by posting genuinely, helpful, useful comments. If you think carefully of ways to provide truly USEFUL content that people will talk about, youll automatically end up with lots of free, one-way links to your site as people recommend it without even being asked to do so. Do a search in Google for yourkeyword + forum yourkeyword +"message board".

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